The Cathedral of New Emotions
East Coast Premiere German director Helmut Herbst’s utterly insane The Cathedral of New Emotions follows a commune of Berlin stoners and intellectuals who get set adrift in space...

Time & Location
Nov 13, 2024, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Bok Auditorium, 800 Mifflin St. Philadelphia, PA 19148
About the Event
On a shortlist with Eiichi Yamamoto’s Belladonna of Sadness and René Laloux’s Fantastic Planet as one of the most surreal, psychedelic and truly cosmic animated features ever made, German director Helmut Herbst’s utterly insane The Cathedral of New Emotions follows a commune of Berlin stoners and intellectuals who get set adrift in space in 1972 in a packing container clutched in a giant flying hand. Various space flotsam smashes into the windshield – enormous insects, Mighty Mouse, a Bird Man from “Flash Gordon” – while hypnotic Krautrock drones in the background moaning “Where am I??”, and a naked man bounces up and down off a massive red pepper. So begins our descent down the psychotic rabbit hole of Cathedral, a true hallucinogenic Space Freakout if there ever was one: imagine Ralph Bakshi animating an R-rated version of John Carpenter’s Dark Star, or the cartoon equivalent of Can’s “Ege Bamyasi” or…